Business rates are calculated using the open market rental value of the property. The valuation office uses this figure to calculate a Rateable Value for the property which is then multiplied by a figure known as ‘the multiplier’ which is set by central Government. This calculation gives the ratepayer the amount of rates that are due for that year. The Multiplier changes yearly and the RV is reassessed every 5 years. 

Rent set by a landlord may be at a lower rate than the open market rental value , so in some instances business rates payable may be more than rent that is payable to the landlord. 

For example, a landlord may allow a rental discount for a year resulting in the rent payable being below the open market rental value. The RV is a separate calculation and and will therefore will not follow this rental decrease,  resulting in the RV used for rates calculation still being based on the open market rental value, not the rent being payed.